Thursday, September 26, 2013

カタカナ Samples

1. クリームサンドビスケット: This is the name of the product coming from foreign words (Cream sand biscuits)
 2. バ キッ: This is a clip from a comic called 「進撃の巨人」. The katakana here shows the sounds of a fighting between titans.
 3. ぷち Here ぷち is the Japanese way of writing a French name--Petit.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

自己紹介 I

はじめまして。私は シュールです。ちゅうごくからきました。

きょう にほんごをばんきょうします、にほんがとても好きですから。はじまりのみち と プラチナデータ です。はじまりのみち は かぞく について 映画ですか、プラチナデータ は フィクション映画です。

そして、が好きです。先週 二つ映画をみました。

それから、ピアノが得意です、 音楽が好きですから。


Monday, September 9, 2013

The reason why i study Japanese

I first got to know Japan at the age of 6 when I watched Japanese cartoon '名偵探コナン'.

After that I gradually began to like Japanese culture.

Now I am quite 'indulged' in different stuff from Japan.
As to Japan food, I really like green tea flavour Kitkat, which I can't help stop eating every time I saw this.

Also, I am very interested in Japanese Cartoon like 'attack on titian'

Finally, I am really fond of Japanese movie. Japanese movies always depict things very carefully and show the detail to a very tiny extent. Recently I watched 'platinum data', which is a science fantasy movie and 'はじまりのまち', which is a moving story between a anti-war movie director and his mother during world war II.